Christmas 2005
Passages “Life is a long walk forward through the crowded cars of a passenger train, the bright world racing past beyond the windows, people on either side of the aisle. Strangers whose stories we never…
Passages “Life is a long walk forward through the crowded cars of a passenger train, the bright world racing past beyond the windows, people on either side of the aisle. Strangers whose stories we never…
My Wishes for You Nights too starry for fear, Noons like a golden chime, The confident gift of a year, To open one day at a time, A tree from the garden of…
Godiva Country, Montana She’s a big country. Her undulationsroll and flow in the sun. Those flanksquiver when the wind caresses the grass.Who turns away when so generous a bodyoffers to play hide-and-seek all summer?One shoulder…
To the lives we have lived, and to the ones ahead. * Dear Friends: We hope very much that this season finds you able to salute your past and to anticipate adventures, difficulties, blessings, and…
“I salute you! There is nothing I can give you which you have not; but there is much, that, while I cannot give, you can take. No heaven can come to us unless our…
Good friends, in the midst of this winter and in all the wintry, dark moments of your lives—pain, loss, fear, frustration, discouragement—we wish for you the CHRISTMAS GIFT OF LIGHT: sparkling holiday lights; light hearts;…