Mad Men of McPherson

Never mind nepotism, employees’ kids claimed hiring priority. Three months away from my first college classes, I needed better wages than the library offered.  And my father’s twenty years with Farmer’s Alliance Insurance Company recommended…

Carnegie’s Angels

In memory, they materialize on the library steps, framed by columns and classical arches. Half-cameo stills in ancient hairdos. Half-Charlie’s Angels silhouettes, taut, poised to fuel a child’s dreams, revive a trapped housewife, track facts. …


Before I put Tricia back on the Empire Builder to Seattle for her required tour-guide training, we spend the night in Valier.  Maybe, just maybe, the Stone School Inn can give Lucca’s Hotel La Luna…

Whose Treasure

They counted on easy agreement—the natural gas company bigwigs. They’d planned to bury their pipeline beneath those Missouri River shallows, slide it under badland slumps, save miles. They needed a fistful of permits including our…

What’s Left

As I write, here at 73,  I’m down one breast, a toe, a tooth, my tonsils, my uterus, the hearing and balance nerves in my left ear, the crisp vision that intact macula provide, and…

Ah Sweet Mystery of Life

Swear to god, for all too long, I owed my philosophy of life to Rogers and Hammerstein, Victor Herbert, Mario Lanza, George Gershwin and—the Church of the Brethren. In the beginning, of course, I attended…


At no point that I remember, have I willingly launched myself from earth. Offered my body up to an ocean wave, catapulted off a diving board or lifted both feet at once and hopped into…